In Human Rights, Middle East

On May 27, in the south Lebanese town of Bint Jbeil, an Israeli drone strike killed two civilians exiting from the Salah Ghandour Hospital, near the city centre.

The strike injured eight other civilians, two of them seriously.

Hours after the strike, I visited the hospital to speak with witnesses and inspect the site of the atrocity.

According to hospital employees, a single missile fired by an Israeli drone landed at the feet of a father and his son as they were exiting the hospital’s emergency ward. The father was killed instantly. The son was critically wounded. He was transported by helicopter to Beirut for urgent, complex surgery.

The drone strike also severely wounded a local farmer standing on a sidewalk nearby. The farmer died from his injuries moments before I arrived at the hospital. The strike wounded seven others. All the dead and inured were civilians.

Hezbollah later said that, in retaliation for the attack on the hospital, it had launched dozens of missiles at Meron, Safsufa and Kiryat Shmona in northern occupied Palestine.

Bint Jbeil has a long and storied history of resisting Israeli aggression. Locals refer to the city as the “Capital of Resistance”.

You can watch and listen to my on-the-ground report from Bint Jbeil here:


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  • Subhuti37

    This is worse than WWII. The German and Japanese fascists got away with murder in relative obscurity. But now, the world sees this ongoing atrocity and even exultant Zionist sadism and no nation or the UN itself intervenes to stop it.

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