Have the Greens become the party of war?

On October 16, 2023, Consortium News held a roundtable discussion about the Global Greens and their theoretical commitment to peace. I participated in the discussion, along with Australian [...]

The Ukraine War: My Debate with a National Post Columnist

On April 17, while I was travelling in Crimea (where I remain), I received an email from National Post weekly columnist Adam Zivo. In his email, Adam requested an interview, stating [...]

In Canada’s Parliament, the voices of peace have been silenced

From the outset of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, four of the five political parties in Canada’s Parliament have supported the transfer of lethal aid to Ukraine. [...]

As the Ukraine war escalates, the climate movement goes AWOL

As the Ukraine war has escalated into a potentially catastrophic conflagration for all of humanity, the climate movement has gone AWOL. A case in point is the ongoing leadership contest of the [...]

The Green Party’s decision to expel Alex Tyrrell is wrong and should be reversed

The Federal Council (FC) of the Green Party of Canada (GPC) has taken the Draconian, unprecedented step of expelling from its membership the sitting leader of a provincial Green Party. The newly [...]

My Statement on the Departure of Jenica Atwin from the Green Party of Canada

The primary responsibilities of the Green Party leader are to grow the party and act as a spokesperson for the policies the members have duly adopted. Greens across the country are deeply [...]

What is Eco-Socialism?

Recently, I spoke with Jack Etkin of Citizen’s Forum in Victoria, B.C. As I discussed with Jack, for me, Eco-Socialism means simply that all members of society, without exception, have a [...]

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