In Canadian Politics, Human Rights, International

During Canada’s 2019 election, I joined with other anti-war activists to form Disruption Network Canada (DNC).

DNC is a voluntary association of Canadians committed to exposing government and corporate complicity in devastating wars and human rights abuses.

Since then, DNC activists have repeatedly engaged in non-violent disruptions of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, senior Ministers in Trudeau’s government, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and many other powerful and influential persons.

DNC activists have been particularly active during Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The video below is a compilation of my more notable disruptions since the formation of DNC.

Now more than ever, citizens of conscience must increase pressure on the powerful to end their use of violence and their profiting from injustice.

If you require assistance in planning an act of non-violent disruption, or if you need help in disseminating news about your disruption, please feel free to contact DNC at [email protected].


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  • Dr.+David+Lorge+Parnas

    Persuade the voters, not the politicians they vote for, You won’t change the latter but you can change the former.

    • Anthony Christie

      Disagree. Both voters and politicians have minds. Minds can be changed. These leaders (and their followers) are often entirely insulated from exposure to dissent, to the point they grossly underestimate it. These disruptions remind us all that it exists, that it exists passionately, that the issues brought forth are important, that we’re all simply people, equal before the law and before the gods, that dissent and dissenters oughtn’t be underestimated. Disruption’s not the only tactic of course, but it’s a good tactic.

  • matthew van ankum

    thanks for the compilation, keep on opening eyes to the duplicity in all of our governments. disgusting is the business of politics.

    cheers and miigwech from SW Ont

  • Dr.+David+Lorge+Parnas

    The best way to change the mind of a politician is to change the opinions of the voters. Above all, politicians wat to win elections.

  • Peter Bergmanis

    Yet no disruption of the powerful in Russia nor China.

    • Dimitri Lascaris

      Are you kidding? The Chinese and Russians are constantly vilified in the Canadian press. Canadians don’t need to hear more vilification of the Chinese and Russians. What they need to be told about is the grotesque hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of Canadian foreign policy, which almost no ‘mainstream’ Canadian ‘journalist’ dares to address.

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