In Human Rights, International, Middle East

Today, I visited the Jenin and Far’a refugee camps in occupied Palestine.

I was accompanied by Palestinian-Canadian artist Rehab Nazzal, who lives and works in another part of the occupied West Bank.

Destruction and depravity

During our visits to these camps, Rehab and I observed astonishing levels of destruction.

Even worse, residents recounted how Israeli soldiers had engaged, again and again, in mind-boggling levels of depravity.

Starting today, I will publish a series of reports on what we witnessed and learned at Jenin and Far’a.

Israeli soldiers use mother as a human shield while beating her sons

Hours before our arrival at Jenin, Rehab and I received reports that, earlier that day, Israeli forces had surrounded and stormed the home of a family of Palestinian refugees, and had kidnapped one of the young men living there.

Upon arriving at the camp, we headed to the site of the kidnapping. There, we spoke with the young man’s mother and father. They agreed to speak with us on the record.

According to the mother and father, one of their sons is wanted by Israel for militant activities, but he was not present when the soldiers arrived.

Undeterred, the soldiers beat their other sons savagely and took one of them away to an unknown location for interrogation by Israel’s internal security service, the Shin Bet.

They also described how the soldiers used the mother as a human shield during the 90-minute ordeal.

Their account of what transpired can be watched here:

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  • Richard

    I am ashamed of our Canadian Government’s complicity in the genocide and other acts of brutality by the I.D.F.. Canada is a very hippocritical accomplice to the crimes against humanity comited by the apartheid state of Israel. Justin Trudeau is a horrible example of a human being and he thinks his stupid act fools anyone when he feigns sympathy to the horrific acts comitted by Israel with Canadian support.

  • Mark

    How did you get into the country?

    • Dimitri Lascaris

      I asked politely.

      • Abdul Azam Ali

        We were recruited in the British army so that National service could be dismantled and British people could sleep in peace

  • Dr.+David+Lorge+Parnas

    Thanks for the truth.

  • Sarah

    Thanks for your endless courage and resilience against oppression and intolerance. It’s Canadians like you who make me proud to be here. The genocidaire elite and media class do the opposite.

  • Steve

    How did you get into the country?

    • Dimitri Lascaris

      I asked politely.

      • Steve

        Insha Allah, you will be detained upon exit. Or arrested whilst in country for your tacit support of proscribed terrorist organizations.

        • Dimitri Lascaris

          If you support Israel, then *you* are a supporter of terrorism. If I must be arrested for speaking this truth, then so be it.

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Sheikh Jarrah and Israel's kangaroo courtsIn Jenin refugee camp, Israeli forces terrorize Palestinian artists Skip to content