In Human Rights, Middle East

From outside Israel’s Embassy in Athens, I reported yesterday on the violent suppression of anti-genocide protests by Greece’s police.

Occupation at the University of Athens

On May 14, students from the University of Athens attempted to occupy the university’s School of Law, but Greek police intervened violently to suppress the protest.

March toward the Israeli Embassy on Nakba Day

On the following day, which was Nakba Day, thousands of anti-genocide protesters marched from central Athens to the Embassy of Israel’s genocidal regime, shouting “Free Palestine!”

As they approached the Embassy, Greek police employed force to prevent the protesters from nearing the building.

The State of the Axis of Resistance

As I explained on May 16 from Israel’s Embassy in Athens, West Asia has become a hot-bed of resistance to Israeli / Western hegemony.

Despite the prevailing myth of their military and economic dominance, all indications are that Israel and its Western backers are hurtling toward a strategic defeat.

Given the West’s disgraceful refusal to hold Israel accountable for its genocide, the best hope now for the Palestinian people is the Axis of Resistance.

In the days ahead, I plan to return to West Asia to report, on the ground, on the state of that resistance.

Meanwhile, you can watch and listen to my report from Israel’s Embassy in Greece here:


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