In Human Rights, International, Middle East

At approximately 3 am local time this morning, Israeli snipers shot dead two Palestinian men who were seeking cover from gunfire at the Emergency Ward of Jenin Governmental Hospital. They wounded four other Palestinian men.

Hours after the attack, I interviewed the General Director of the Hospital about what happened. He showed me video evidence that one of the deceased men was shot in the back as he fled into the Hospital. Based on that video evidence and witness accounts, the victims were unarmed.

The killings took place steps away from the local headquarters of the Palestinian Authority police. There is no indication that the PA police made any attempt to protect the Jenin refugee camp from the Israeli military’s latest murderous incursion into the Jenin refugee camp.

This is my full video report:

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In Jenin refugee camp, Israeli forces terrorize Palestinian artistsIsrael's genocide is not confined to Gaza Skip to content