In Canadian Politics, Human Rights

As I previously reported on this website, I travelled to Russia in April to meet with students, academics, members of civil society, journalists and diplomats. My goal was to help generate a dialogue between Canadians and Russians, because without dialogue, there can be no peace.

After my return to Canada, peace groups from across the country organized a national speaking tour to promote a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine war.

My tour will begin in my hometown in London, Ontario on June 19. I will then speak in Hamilton (June 20), Toronto (June 21), Winnipeg (June 22), Regina (June 23), Vancouver (June 26), Victoria (June 27), Montreal (June 29), Halifax (June 30), Fredericton (July 2) and Ottawa (July 3).

Please note that, to participate in these events, you must first register for the event via Eventbrite. For security reasons, we have decided to disclose the venue of each event only to those persons who register for that event. If you register for an event, you will receive an email advising you of the location of the venue.

You can find links to the various Eventbrite registrations here: national-tour-on-ukraine-war.jpeg.

If you live in or near one of the cities on this tour, please join us for a spirited discussion about seeking peace in Ukraine.

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  • Peter Bergmanis

    Staged photos of Red Army and American forces meeting at the Elbe River at the end of WW2 do not reflect Ukraine’s current reality. For peace to break out one handshake at a time, Ukrainians and Russians will need to be offering the handshakes. After Putin’s atrocities, not likely any time soon

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National Speaking Tour on Ukraine WarJill Stein and Dimitri Lascaris interview on AcTVism Munich Skip to content