In Human Rights, International, National Security

This week, German independent media outlet AcTVism Munich interviewed me and Dr. Jill Stein, former U.S. Presidential candidate for the U.S. Green Party. We had a wide-ranging discussion about Western imperialism, the Ukraine war, the decision of Dr. Cornel West to seek the U.S. Green Party’s presidential nomination, and my current cross-Canada speaking tour on the prospects for ending the war peacefully.

You can watch and listen to our discussion here:


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  • Owen Hughes

    A conversation like this acts as a marvellous antidote to having read the responses on Twitter to anything Dimitri Lascaris has tweeted about the ongoing conflict. The majority of replies vary from the odious to the absolutely meaningless, signifying the level of intelligent analysis that now inhabits much of the Twittersphere. Jill Stein, a self-declared political animal who has run for president of the United States on the Green Part ticket beside her running mate Ajamu Baraka, succinctly described the political condition in the US today as being run by a degenerate duopoly on behalf of an oligarchic group of war profiteers and billionaires. Both speakers pointed out that this state of affairs is something that cannot be talked about in the Western press. Thanks to the three participants.

  • Joe Lanteigne

    Its only because of people like these two guests that I can still call myself a green supporter. Otherwise there is only the B.C. greens that still have any spine.

  • Pete Kirby

    Five stars….plus!!!
    Keep fighting!
    Pete K

  • dyr

    Only heard so far some minutes of the talented Mr Lascaris’s remarks, which I was keen to hear after being seriously and openly critical of parts of his foreign policy treatment during his run for Green Party of Canada leadership 2020, as well as aspects of his much publicized approach to the Ottawa trucker protest in Ottawa 2022; so far it is pleasing to hear what he has said. If in re-aspiration to political participation Mr Lascaris can get what has been going on with covidiana, and can get a different handle on at least mideast affairs, this might dovetail well with his take on the beyond atrocious actions of Canada and co. vs. Russia and others, drumbeats toward which were evident already years ago e.g. on the debauched CBC.

    Good to hear Dr Stein as well, I recall her intervention against apparent and probable electoral fraud that led to Trump’s installation 2016 (eg if I remember correctly Ohio’s hard-won audit possibilities of machine voting were turned off). In the US however just opposition to the US role re Ukraine & many things gathers largely among Trumpists, oblivious to his being a creature of the murky hegemoniac underworld in the first place for their reasons. It can make sense to pile up dissidence atop of political force one normally would find anathema, but how many are genuinely aware of the irony involved and exploited, and how that can prove sorely inadequate not to mention backfire? Good of Mr Lascaris to bring mention of ultimate owenership of certain media. Gasoline libertarians, as I call them, are overprominent in just opposition to covidian insanity, it being closely enough related to the hegemonic play re Ukraine. But we await tying things together, such as re the criticized points above, to sense worthiness of support. The perpetrator-sponsored chaos of loose themes and fragmented understanding makes for getting away with murder.

    As I gravely called it March 2020, if covid perps’ plans A, B, C falter, resort to nuclear war risks ensuing. Mr Lascaris’ calling things out to forestall such is welcome.

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