In Human Rights, International, Middle East

On April 23, 2024, I arrived in Istanbul, Turkey to join the Freedom Flotilla’s urgent mission to Gaza.

Upon my arrival, I learned that hundreds of activists from around the world had gathered for the voyage and are eager to set sail.

There’s just one problem: the U.S., German and British governments are putting enormous pressure on the Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to block the Flotilla’s departure.

Why Western states would oppose this mission is a deeply troubling question.

For the moment, however, the more pressing question is this: will Turkey’s ‘pro-Palestinian’ President succumb to their pressure?

You can watch and listen to my full analysis here:

#Gaza #genocide #FreedomFlotilla #Turkey

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  • Eric Peter

    I will be in Istanbul in 2 weeks. Had I known, I would have attempted to join you. PLEASE be safe. We need you and your truth. In the interim, I continue to shed tears for the Palestinian people.

  • Gregory Gillis

    Dimitri praying for you and all the people on this mission of mercy for your safety and success! Wish I could be with you and the others on this great act of defiance of Western hypocrisy, violence, and inhumanity!

  • evelyn tischer

    You people are so brave. Why do we have to fight so hard just to stay alive, or so that others stay alive.
    Life for all should be the main care of all states. Humanity has a long way to go, and you people show the way. God be with you all.

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